Handheld spirometer (SpirOx) test report

Main Performance
Measure Forced Vital Capacity (FVC).
Measure Forced Expired Volume in one second (FEV1), the ratio of FEV1 and FVC (FEV1%), and the testee condition can be shown by the ratio.
Peak expiratory flow (PEF), 25% flow of the FVC (FEF25), 75% flow of the FVC (FEF75) and average flow between 25% and 75% of the FVC (FEF2575) can be measured.
Flow rate-volume chart, volume-time chart display.
Battery power display.
Automatic power off when there is no operation in one minute.
Data memory function.
Data memory, delete, upload and review.
Rechargeable lithium battery.
Main Parameters
Max volume: 0L~10L
Flow range: 1L/S~16L/S
Volume accuracy: ±3% or 0.05L (whichever is greater)
Flow accuracy: ±10% or 0.3L/s (whichever is greater)
EMC: Group I Class B.
The type of protection against electroshock: Internally powered equipment.
The degree of protection against electroshock: Type BF applied part.

SpirOx handheld spirometer