
Advanced Medical Technology

Technology is rapidly creating new ways by which the medical industry can enhance our lives and save billions of dollars in health care costs.
As technology continues to drive the pace of progress in biomedical research and healthcare, the traditional line between engineering and medical science grows ever thinner. And as medical machines and the computers that power them become smaller, faster, and smarter, the medical device industry is making medical practice easier for doctors, more effective for patients, and cheaper for the entire healthcare system.
Advanced Medical Technology
According to industry observers, one sweeping change is a “convergence” of consumer-focused technology into the once-rarified world of device design. 
Wireless technologies capable of detecting and treating the earliest signs of disease will become front-line defenses against these leading causes of death, while devices that help patients manage their own chronic conditions more effectively will dramatically improve their quality of life while reducing the demand for more advanced treatments, he said. Consumer-friendly wearable or unobtrusive monitors comprising a range of sensors and communications devices.
Meditech identified several industry collaborations between large device developers and technology companies to incorporate a wide range of medical measurements in simpler devices.

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